Family Moves to Safety

One of the clients we recently assisted in the Resource Center was dealing with several barriers as most of our clients do. When the client first called, she was in need of safety options and ended up filing for an emergency protective order against her abuser. Our advocate not only assisted in obtaining the protective order, but also helped the client safety plan. To say the client was overwhelmed is putting it lightly. Not only is she taking care of her two young children on her own, she also works two jobs and has been trying to pick up more hours just to make ends meet. In addition to our crisis services, we were able to assist her by paying for one month’s rent and were able to offer her a gas card to help her get to and from work thanks to grants and individual donors. We also assisted her with purchasing groceries for herself and her children which amounted to $200. The grocery assistance will help her buy some time until her state assistance benefits are approved.
As a result, the client was extremely grateful for our help and she told our advocate she had been thinking of going back to her husband because she was so overwhelmed with everything. In fact, she also let the advocate know that if we hadn’t been able to assist her in these ways, she would have had no choice but to go back to him. Our advocate also connected the client with Iowa Legal Aid and they have agreed to help her with obtaining a divorce from her abuser. The client made the following statement to her advocate, “Thank you again so much. I never thought I could do this on my own….thank you, thank you, thank you!”.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse please give the Helping Services 24-hour resource line a call at 800-383-2988. Our staff are here and ready to help no matter the situation.