Racial Equity Statement
Helping Services for Youth & Families’ mission is to create healthier and safer communities in northeast Iowa. Racial inequity throughout this nation and in our corner of northeast Iowa does not make this possible for our black, brown, and many other marginalized neighbors. We can not stand by and watch this happen. We believe in racial justice and equitable treatment. Silence is not an option. Now and always, Black Lives Matter.
Many have engaged in social media activism in response to the atrocities, we are calling for everyone to move beyond social media and do more. It’s not enough to use verbal and distant support for anti-racist causes. We must move beyond into constructive anti-racist action that might even cause us to have to sacrifice the comfort and advantages that some of us have. It is time to work with our neighbors, community organizers, law enforcement, media and elected officials. Working together, listening, and substantive action is how together we will dismantle racism.
With you alongside, we commit to work with our neighbors and clients to create healthier and safer communities to live in. That work includes continued partnerships with law enforcement agencies and culturally-specific victim service organizations throughout northeast Iowa. Our staff often collaborate with partners who look to us as a resource and ally for survivors of domestic violence. We also partner with law enforcement to provide community training’s and invite officers to participate in youth mentoring activities and events. Since 1973, we have been addressing community needs and now more than ever we are here to work together.