Youth Mentoring Social
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Youth Mentoring Social

Come one, come all! Meet and socialize with mentors and those who want to find out more about mentoring. Tuesday, November 9 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at T-Bocks Upstairs; Youth mentoring is hosting a Mentoring Social.  Have you thought about becoming a mentor? This is the perfect event to attend to find out…

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Donation Allows Youth Mentoring to Expand Events

An anonymous family has pledged $45,000 over the next three years to support Helping Services for Youth Families’ Youth Mentoring program. The family stated that it takes a village to raise a child, and we can all do our part by helping provide new experiences that develop their interests and skills. Kathy Schwartzhoff, Mentoring Coordinator…

Luther College spring 2021 interns Grace and Amrita

Spring 2021 Luther Interns

Senior field practicum interns experience working at a nonprofit Helping Services for Youth & Families enjoys the benefits of hosting Luther College interns throughout the year. For the spring intern period, Amrita and Grace join the social services nonprofit until mid-May, each with a different experience. Read more about them below. Amrita is learning about…