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Supporting Survivor Assistance

Supporting survivors of domestic violence is the number one priority of the Domestic Abuse Resource Center (DARC). One way advocates this is achieved is through client assistance – whether it is gas cards, grocery cards, nights in a hotel to provide a safe place, and more. There have been ebbs and flows in funding levels at the state and federal levels that support many of Helping Services’ programs. The current situation with federal dollars available to support victim services through Victims of Crime Act dollars is troubling and worrisome. The Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates that federal cuts will result in around $4.3 million less dollars to distribute in the upcoming year to Iowa victim services organizations such as Helping Services’ DARC and others around the state. Advocates continue to work tirelessly to assist victims, but they need financial support to ensure every victim is reached and supported. 

Donate to Support Survivor Assistance

What all this means is we continue to express the need for your donations to ensure services remain unaffected in northeast Iowa. Thank you for your ongoing support of Helping Services through your financial contributions. Whether it’s mailing an annual donation to our office, making a monthly gift, or driving through Holiday Lights, every gift matters. I would ask you to consider giving a gift today to ensure victim services continue to be supported in the area we serve – Allamakee, Bremer, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette, Howard, and Winneshiek counties. 

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