New Youth Mentoring Position
Good news! Helping Services was recently announced as a recipient of a grant from Iowa Mentoring Partnership that will focus on serving youth impacted by opioids in rural Iowa. This funding is provided by the office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention through the Iowa Mentoring Partnership. We are proud to be one of the few Mentoring programs in the state to receive this new award. This grant funding will allow Helping Services to grow both in scope and people, as we will be looking to hire an additional Mentoring Coordinator during this three-year project.
Youth Mentoring is an important piece of Prevention efforts at Helping Services. We know that Youth Mentoring has a positive influence on the lives of the youth we serve, as evidence of numbers reported by youth in the program. For example, 91% of the 133 youth served in 2018 responded confidently that they can say “no” to drugs. Additionally, 92% of youth reported having positive relationships with caring adults and their peers. This new source of funding will allow Youth Mentoring to continue to grow and serve more youth in the coming years.
If you are interested in creating a lasting impact for youth in your community, consider applying for the position of Mentoring Coordinator. Read the job description at Please submit your resume and a cover letter to Tessa Willie, Director of Prevention Services, at