What is the deal about juuling?

Youth smoking rates have continued to decrease as youth know that smoking cigarettes is bad for them. With electronic nicotine products on the market, we are now seeing a DRASTIC increase among youth using electronic smoking devices. Juuling, vaping, e-cigarettes are all forms of electronic smoking devices. The liquid inside of these contains nicotine and many of the same chemicals found in traditional cigarettes.
Youth use has more than DOUBLED in the last two years. Comparing 2016 and 2018 Iowa Youth Survey data in the chart below.
Past 30 Day Use (Iowa Youth Survey)

Youth in our area middle schools and high schools are becoming addicted to nicotine. Students say these devices are easier to hide and use throughout the day. With frequent nicotine use, this means that the brain is trained to need nicotine more frequently.
Many area middle and high schools have asked Helping Services to come present to students on this topic. Students are surprised to learn about the amounts of nicotine and when asked if they know students who are addicted in their school there are head nods simultaneously around the room. So far this year, we have reached around 1,100 students with this message. Many area high schools also have substance free groups who are working on this message in their school through facts, presentations, newsletters and announcements. If you would like Helping Services to come talk at your school or organization please contact us at 563-387-1720 or info@helpingservices.org.
Talk with your youth about these devices. Below is an additional resource to help with quitting.
Parents: Here’s how to help your child to quit using JUUL
With e-cigarette use among youth now at “epidemic proportions,” according to the Food and Drug Administration commissioner, many parents are searching for solutions to help their kids quit. If you are a parent and want to help your child quit using JUUL or other e-cigarettes, here are some tips for how to start from the experts behind the evidence-based, digital quit-smoking programs from Truth Initiative®, This is Quitting and BecomeAnEX®.