Dating Violence and Stalking Training

Dating Violence and Stalking Training

Dating violence and stalking prevention education is a part of the services we provide at the Domestic Abuse Resource Center. Advocates in the Resource Center provide background and knowledge of safe and healthy relationships and assist students with skills to set personal boundaries. Dating violence advocates work with students from 6th grade through college by…

Supporting Survivor Assistance
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Supporting Survivor Assistance

Supporting survivors of domestic violence is the number one priority of the Domestic Abuse Resource Center (DARC). One way advocates this is achieved is through client assistance – whether it is gas cards, grocery cards, nights in a hotel to provide a safe place, and more. There have been ebbs and flows in funding levels…

Child Advocacy
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Child Advocacy

Child advocacy is one of the services the Domestic Abuse Resource Center offers. Child clients currently live or have lived in homes where abuse is occurring. Child clients, age 6 and up, may work with an advocate one-on-one or in their sibling group. They work on building rapport and trust initially, then on self-regulation, coping…

Green Dot Trainings

Green Dot Trainings

Prevention education and promoting safer communities is an essential part of our work at Helping Services. Dating Violence and Stalking Advocacy Coordinator, Brittany McIntyre, continues to partner with the Title IX office and the Office of Student Engagement at Luther College, to provide the evidence-based bystander curriculum, Green Dot. Communities that actively use the Green…


Volunteering with the Resource Center

The Helping Services’ Domestic Abuse Resource Center team is continuously seeking volunteers to assist survivors and our advocate team in a variety of ways. Volunteers have the flexibility to create their own schedules and our team remains flexible in order to meet the volunteers’ needs. We greatly appreciate our volunteers’ time and commitment to the…

Teen Dating Violence School Presentations

Teen Dating Violence School Presentations

Prevention education is a part of the services we provide at the Domestic Abuse Resource Center. Advocates in the Resource Center provide the background and knowledge of safe and healthy relationships and assist students with skills they can use in setting personal boundaries. Dating violence advocates work with students from 6th grade through college by…

NE Iowa Montessori staff, parent and children.
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Successful Giving Project

The 2022 Giving Project was another huge success! The project matches businesses, organizations, families, and individual donors with children of clients that have been assisted by the Domestic Abuse Resource Center. These donors purchase gifts for the families by purchasing items off of wish lists that clients fill out. This year, we were fortunate to…


Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Helping Services for Youth & Families’ Domestic Abuse Resource Center (DARC) is recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness during the month of October. In Iowa and around the world, October is a month to create awareness around domestic violence, using the color purple to symbolize the cause.  Helping Services’ Domestic Abuse Resource Center advocates work alongside survivors…

Domestic Abuse Resource Center Pantry 

Domestic Abuse Resource Center Pantry 

Since 2005, the Domestic Abuse Resource Center has offered a food and supply pantry to better serve domestic violence survivors. Economic stability is one of the many important needs a survivor encounters. Items such as gas cards, grocery cards, and basic everyday supplies are an ongoing need for clients in the Resource Center.   The increasing…