
Introducing Meg

Meg Gelner

My name is Meg Gelner and I am the new Mentor Coordinator for Delaware County! My husband, three kids, and I live on an acreage Northeast of Strawberry Point. We love the outdoors! Hiking, biking, fishing and just playing together are some of our favorite things to do. Aside from raising our family, we also raise animals, vegetables, and fruit trees here on our farm. We love the rolling hills of the countryside and can’t imagine our lives without gravel dust!

My educational background is at the University of Northern Iowa. My degree is in Leisure, Youth, and Human Services. I was blessed to stay home for years with our young children. Three years ago, I re-entered the workforce and was employed as a paraprofessional at Starmont Elementary School. 

I am excited to have this opportunity and can’t wait to dig into new relationships and get to know all of my mentors and mentees! Helping Services for Youth & Families is a warm, welcoming, exciting place to be and I am thrilled to be a part of it all!

To learn about mentoring visit, www.helpingservices.org/mentoring or contact me at mgelner@helpingservices.org

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  1. I am sure the communities you serve will be well taken care of, and that you will find the work rewarding, and a good use of your personal skills!

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