Pinter’s Group Mentoring Event

Are you someone that thinks that pumpkins are the ultimate happiness? If that is the case, you would have been jubilant at the group Youth Mentoring event held October 13 at Pinter’s Gardens & Pumpkins in Decorah. From the minute the youth and mentors arrived, they were busy. The 37 mentoring participants got to jump on a giant pillow, go down enormous slides, pedal carts, throw balls, roll in giant tubes, play checkers, see farm animals, play tetherball, go through the corn maize, go on a hayride, and pick out a pumpkin to take home.

One of our mentees grinned from ear to ear as she was buried in corn up to her earlobes. Another mentee shared, “This was my favorite event, so far.” There were three youth that weren’t able to attend because there weren’t enough adults to accompany them. I love days when I can connect a youth with a new friend. It is hard when I have to tell a youth that I haven’t found them a mentor yet or they cannot attend an event due to someone not being there for them. Now is the time to get involved. You can do it and we will support you. After-all, you don’t want to miss out on some happiness. If you are interested in becoming a mentor please contact me at 563-387-1720 or

Have a great fall,

Mentoring Coordinator

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