Allamakee Mentoring Program Steering Committee Meeting

NICC Waukon Site

Are you passionate about youth? Do you believe that youth in Allamakee County can benefit from a positive adult role model in their lives? If so, you may want to join the Allamakee Mentoring Program's Steering Committee! They meet every other month and are looking for new members. Meetings last one hour and there isn't...

Gaming: How Can It Be Dangerous Training

First Lutheran Church 604 W. Broadway, Decorah, IA, United States

Join parents, guardians, caregivers, mentors, and adults who work with youth for a deeper dive into the world of electronic gaming. Facilitator Kathy Schwartzhoff will unfold the differences between gaming and gambling and focusing in on the ages of 6 to 16 year old's. Attendees will be keying in how gaming could potentially be dangerous....


Sustainability Task Force Meeting (for Youth Mentoring)

Helping Services Main Office 805 E Main Street, Decorah, IA, United States

Youth Mentoring is fortunate to have a group of people that meet on a quarterly basis to keep the program's strong in Allamakee, Clayton, Delaware, Howard, Southern Fayette, and Winneshiek Counties. They work with staff and administration to be sure that the programs have collaborators, financial means, and volunteers that support Youth Mentoring at Helping...

Building Bridges Through Mentoring Steering Committee

Helping Services Main Office 805 E Main Street, Decorah, IA, United States

Come and join in at the Building Bridges Through Mentoring Steering Committee meeting! Building Bridges is the Winneshiek County mentoring program at Helping Services. Their committee meets on a quarterly basis and help guide the program. This meeting will have a discussion about the age of eligibility of program youth. Want to join? Contact

MY Club Steering Committee Meeting

Cresco Chamber of Commerce 101 2nd Ave SW, Cresco, IA, United States

Come and meet with a great group of folks! MY Club is Howard County's mentoring program through Helping Services. They meet every other month for an hour and share great ideas and have wonderful conversations about how to guide the mentoring program in the county. Sound like your cup of tea? Contact Colinne or Kathy...

Community Service Mentoring Group Event

St. John's Lutheran Church 8 5th Street SW, Waukon, IA, United States

Let's all give back to the community! Mentors, mentees, Mentors For A Day, and waiting youth are invited to attend this event. Attendees will be creating some cardboard kid cut-outs that will be used to recruit more mentors and mentees through Helping Services. The group will also create May Day baskets for residents at area...


Social Isolation & Youth Mental Health Training

How does social isolation affect a youth's mental health? Mentors, parents/guardians, youth leaders, health professionals, college students, and those working or volunteering with youth are invited to attend this exciting training. This training is a collaboration with Luther College Nursing students who are doing their public health clinicals and Youth Mentoring at Helping Services. Learning...

Alcohol Trends Training

What are the latest trends in alcohol misuse? What age groups are misusing? How can we help someone who we worry about their misuse of alcohol? These and many more questions will be answered at this interesting training being facilitated by Sam Howell. Special guests will be Kassandra Caceres and Mackenzie Osmond, Prevention Specialists from...

Nature Exploration Day-Mentoring Group Event

Decorah Fish Hatchery 2321 Siewers Spring Rd, Decorah, IA, United States

It's time to have some outdoor fun time! Mentors, mentees, waiting youth, and Mentors For A Day are invited to attend this fun day while each mentor/mentee pair will decide how they wish to spend their day. Options will include biking, fishing, hiking, watching eagles, exploring the Decorah Fish Hatchery, or doing a nature scavenger...

Allamakee Mentoring Program’s Steering Committee Meeting

NICC Waukon Site

Please join us at the Allamakee Mentoring Program's Steering Committee meeting! Youth Mentoring at Helping Services has a Steering Committee in each county that helps guide and support the mentoring movement. Come and be a part of the excitement!